Kolejne pokolenie industrialu - jakieś prawnuki, więc oczywiste są znaczne domieszki innych przypraw; np. EBM, darkwave, coś tam jeszcze...
Słuchając takich rzeczy miewam uczucia ambiwalentne: tęsknię za dawnym (true) industrialem oraz odnajduję pewną wstydliwą przyjemność w słuchaniu tych nowoczesnych dźwięków. W przypadku tego albumu jest to przyjemność nie lada; bardzo sprawnie zmajstrowane 75 minut, stworzone chyba po to, by gibać się drastycznie na ciele i uwalniać myśli z umysłowej klatki. Albo jakoś tak. Rytmicznie, sprawnie, pokrętnie, szybko... Aż przymierzam się do przebicia języka długopisem i powieszenia na nim mojej starej kombologii.
Poniżej parę słów z 'manifestu' do tego albumu:
Get ready for blood, tears and sperm. This album talks about the present tense and the mankind, the boundaries of ones desires, dreams and mistakes. This is our statement to this rusted world, to these wasted dreams and plastic reality with real life and unreal people. We're sick of mediocrity in their bodies who walk empty streets without any real purpose. This album talks about them, about their sorrow, mistakes and inner demons. Without them we do not exist and without us they are nothing. This is about something real. It's about this fallen mankind. This world has become occupied, surrounded and unhealthy. We do not agree with this worlds systems of values. This is world without values, without inner boundaries that confront served mediocrity. We're so fucking sick of it all, and want to live in some better place, and really feel our childhood energy. So we named our album 'El Conquistadors' (proper Spanish title would be 'El Conquistador') but we want for those smart-ass motherfucking self-masturbating people to say that we're wrong, to say that they know better and to hear from their empty minds what do we need to do to live happy mediocrity life. And we're not even going to ask you to listen to this album, no - if you see it just run away from it, hate it, laugh at it, be the one of El Conquistadors who crush worlds without trying to feel them. Be the other one inside you, get stupid, lazy and un-civilized. But be warned - it will be too late to come to your senses in the end.....
01 Clockwork
02 First Blood
03 With No Teeth
04 Opening
05 Space Error
06 Invisible Tears
07 Mind Games
08 Last One
09 The New Pain
10 El Conquistadors
11 Futurism (MrBd mix)
12 Oregon
13 Return of the TV
14 One of Us
15 Amputated Soul
Słuchając takich rzeczy miewam uczucia ambiwalentne: tęsknię za dawnym (true) industrialem oraz odnajduję pewną wstydliwą przyjemność w słuchaniu tych nowoczesnych dźwięków. W przypadku tego albumu jest to przyjemność nie lada; bardzo sprawnie zmajstrowane 75 minut, stworzone chyba po to, by gibać się drastycznie na ciele i uwalniać myśli z umysłowej klatki. Albo jakoś tak. Rytmicznie, sprawnie, pokrętnie, szybko... Aż przymierzam się do przebicia języka długopisem i powieszenia na nim mojej starej kombologii.
Poniżej parę słów z 'manifestu' do tego albumu:
Get ready for blood, tears and sperm. This album talks about the present tense and the mankind, the boundaries of ones desires, dreams and mistakes. This is our statement to this rusted world, to these wasted dreams and plastic reality with real life and unreal people. We're sick of mediocrity in their bodies who walk empty streets without any real purpose. This album talks about them, about their sorrow, mistakes and inner demons. Without them we do not exist and without us they are nothing. This is about something real. It's about this fallen mankind. This world has become occupied, surrounded and unhealthy. We do not agree with this worlds systems of values. This is world without values, without inner boundaries that confront served mediocrity. We're so fucking sick of it all, and want to live in some better place, and really feel our childhood energy. So we named our album 'El Conquistadors' (proper Spanish title would be 'El Conquistador') but we want for those smart-ass motherfucking self-masturbating people to say that we're wrong, to say that they know better and to hear from their empty minds what do we need to do to live happy mediocrity life. And we're not even going to ask you to listen to this album, no - if you see it just run away from it, hate it, laugh at it, be the one of El Conquistadors who crush worlds without trying to feel them. Be the other one inside you, get stupid, lazy and un-civilized. But be warned - it will be too late to come to your senses in the end.....
01 Clockwork
02 First Blood
03 With No Teeth
04 Opening
05 Space Error
06 Invisible Tears
07 Mind Games
08 Last One
09 The New Pain
10 El Conquistadors
11 Futurism (MrBd mix)
12 Oregon
13 Return of the TV
14 One of Us
15 Amputated Soul
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